ESG Investing

At Envision, we believe it is crucial to offer diverse ESG investing options (environmental, social and governance). In addition to our signature Envision Justice Series™ (EJS™), we also offer a Values Aligned Direct Indexing Solution (VADIS).

Key Features of VADIS:

Accommodate Individual Impact Preferences:

Implement specific screens for issues such as climate change, alcohol, gambling, and animal welfare to ensure your portfolio aligns with your ESG values. This solution can accommodate investments as small as $25,000, with increased flexibility for investments of $250,000 or more.

Leverage Security and Sector Restrictions:

Exclude stocks that do not match your preferences.

Integrate Legacy Holdings:

Transition current holdings into a new target
strategy to reduce unnecessary trades and expenses.
Credit card mockups

Impact data on corporations is collected from over 100 publicly available sources and grouped into five main categories: Environment, Human Rights, Equal Opportunity, Health, and Accountability. The specific “issue areas” for your report are filtered based on your impact objectives, and overall aggregations by issue area are compared to the benchmark.

While the Envision Justice Core Values include Women Empower, Planet Protector and
Racial Equity Advocacy, VADIS can accommodate additional values such as Health
Defender and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

VADIS vs. Envision Justice Series™ Portfolios

VADIS uses a different combination of indices for its investment strategy compared to EJS™. As a direct indexing solution, VADIS adheres more closely to a passive investment approach, but the integration of your values introduces an active element to the final stock selection. For the fixed income portion of the portfolio, which typically includes bonds, VADIS utilizes mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

The EJS™ Core combines active and passive mutual funds and ETFs. VADIS’s different investment framework (asset allocation) allows you to diversify across multiple
ESG investing strategies. Traditionally, investors have sought diversification within a single strategy, but research by Craig Israelsen shows that diversifying across strategies during the retirement income stage can smooth out return variability, which is especially important when withdrawing money in retirement.

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Artwork contributed by Melissa Mahoney

ESG Investment Strategy

To get started, you will complete a Your Stake Values Discovery questionnaire to identify the key persona’s important to integrate into your portfolio. Those personas are mapped to Metrics that the portfolio will use to eliminate and or include stocks into your portfolio.
Women Empowerer
Discrimination Violations Intensity: Penalties paid to the US government or UK government for employment or consumer access discrimination.

Best Workplaces for Women:
Companies that are the best workplaces for women.
Peace Protector
Civilian Firearms Manufacturers Exposure: Companies that manufacture civilian firearms.

Military Weapons Exposure: Companies involved in the manufacture or sale of military weapons and major military contractors.

Unconventional Weapons Exposure: Companies involved in the manufacture or sale of nonconventional weapons.
Planet Protector
Clean Energy Companies: Companies with the highest clean economy revenues, and pure-play clean energy companies.

Deforestation Producers Exposure: Agricultural commodity producers and traders linked to deforestation.

Fossil Fuel Industry Exposure: Companies operating in the fossil fuel industry, and utilities powered by fossil fuels.

Scope 1+2 GHG Emissions Intensity: Company scope 1 + 2 GHG emissions.

Toxic Water Pollution Intensity: Amount (weighted by toxicity) of toxic water pollution from facilities in the U.S. and European Union.
Health Defender
Access to Nutrition Score: How well do food & beverage companies provide access to nutritious products.

Health & Safety Violations Intensity: Penalties paid to the US government or UK government for public and workplace health and safety failures.

Opiod Pills Produced: Number of opioid pills manufactured or distributed.

Tobacco Producer Exposure: Companies that produce cigarettes or tobacco products.

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