Sustainability Investing

Our sustainability investing portfolios build on our core Envision Justice Series™
framework, which screens for climate, racial, and gender justice.

The Envision Wealth Core Values Strategy

This is a sample strategy to represent the result of defining a collective value-set to help Envision Wealth clients invest with impact.

We have partnered with Ethic, a tech-driven asset manager, to create personalized and sustainable investment opportunities for our clients using the Envision Justice Series™ framework. Through this collaboration, we offer greater transparency into your investments, identifying companies that may present risks or contradict your values, and transitioning you to a cleaner, more sustainable portfolio.

The Envision Justice Series™ combines indexes from the U.S. and international markets, screened by Ethic’s sustainability criteria. Typically, around 4,800 companies are screened, and those that meet the criteria are reconstructed into a portfolio that reflects your values.

Using our selected investment approach, we populate the portfolio with stocks that pass the screening process based on the chosen sustainability pillar. This follows a passive investing strategy, where the goal is not to outperform the index but to track the financial performance of a selected benchmark. The focus is on the portfolio's construction to achieve returns, rather than selecting only the hottest investments. Thus, the portfolio is actively managed according to your values.

We often refer to this as the purest form of the Envision Justice Series™. Through Ethic's values mapping exercise, you can create a custom portfolio by selecting from 19 sustainability pillars to align with your values.

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Definitions for Each Pillar Can Be Found Below

Climate Change
Promoting a low carbon economy.

Divest from companies with high greenhouse gas emissions, substantial fossil fuel reserves, core business activities in extractive industries, or unmanaged financial risk associated with a changing climate.

Clean Water
Promoting safe access to clean water.

Divest from companies with poor waste  management practices, high emissions of  particulates, or high water usage, as well as  companies producing water pollutants. 

Animal Welfare
Promoting high standards for animal treatment.

Divest from companies testing products
on animals, contributing to climate
change or deforestation, contaminating
the environment, or producing fur or
specialty leather products.

Promoting cleaner air, land, and water.

Divest from companies with poor waste management practices, substantial accidental spills, or environmentally harmful product packaging.

Promoting the biodiversity and  resilience of Earth’s ecosystems.

Divest from companies that pollute,
exploit, or otherwise harm terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

Building a resilient food system.

Divest from companies that are large contributors to climate change, produce water pollutants, use land irresponsibly, or produce weapons for global conflict.

Racial Justice
Promoting a racially equitable society.

Divest from companies with poor anti-discrimination policies, substantial revenues from weapons or tobacco, or core business activities with disproportionately.

Promoting high standards for animal treatment.

Divest from companies with misleading
media practices, low commitment to
continuing employee education, or high emissions of substances associated with reduced educational outcomes.

Promoting socio-economic equity and justice.

Divest from companies that perpetuate poverty through predatory lending services, private prison operations, or gambling operations, as well as companies that promote unfair pay practices for their workers throughout the supply chain.

Promoting strong democratic institutes.

Divest from companies that undermine democratic institutions, including those that manufacture firearms or weapons of war, operate private prisons, or have a record of violating human rights.

Immigration Justice
Promoting the protection of human rights for immigrants.

Divest from companies that profit from or worsen the inhumane conditions of international immigration, including those that operate private prisons or immigrant detention centers, have weak human rights practices through their supply chain, or whose emissions
threaten global ecosystems.

Human Rights
Promoting inalienable rights to freedom, justice, and peace.

Divest from companies with military
weapons revenues, poor working
conditions, connections to controversial regimes, or poor supply chain labor

Women's Rights
Promoting justice and equity for women and their children.

Divest from companies with poor
representation of women at all levels of seniority, inadequate diversity policies, or companies that have disproportionately negative impacts on women, especially pregnant women.

LGBTQ Justice
Supporting people of all gender identities and sexual orientations.

Divest from companies with weak  protections for LGBTQ workers, that risk  exposing LGBTQ people to persecution, or  core business activities with  disproportionately negative impacts on  the LGBTQ community.  

Health & Wellness
Promoting healthy communities.

Divest from companies with poor  occupational health records, recent product  safety controversies, or core business  activities in manufacturing addictive or  dangerous products. 

Worker Treatment
Promoting fair working conditions for all.

Divest from companies with poor
occupational safety records, inadequate anti-discrimination policies, poor whistleblower protections, supply chain risk of forced labor, or recent accounting investigations.

Corporate Ethics
Building fair businesses.

Divest from companies with high
fraud risk, recent major accounting
investigations, poor media ethics policies, or recent executive misconduct incidents.

Corporate Diversity
& Inclusion
Promoting diverse communities to build strong businesses.

Divest from companies with poor board  diversity, poor diversity programs,  inadequate anti-discrimination policies, or  labor practices whose negative effects are  disproportionately felt by communities of  color. 

Financial System
Promoting a resilient financial system.

Divest from companies whose practices undermine the stability of the financial system, like companies with predatory lending practices, poor product safety, or poor governance practices.


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